Notice: The ELP webpages have been updated for 2023-2024. They are under final review. Thank you!
Parent Contract

Parent Contract

Printable PDF - ELP Parent Contract – v20230714

Dear Parent,

Thank you for participating in the Fort Ross Environmental Living Program. We appreciate your help and know you are dedicated to quality educational programs for your child. This list of guidelines is designed so that all participants know the rules. This contract must be signed by all parents and given to the teacher.

  1. As a parent in this program I understand my commitment is to the program. There is very little, if any, free time for parents. I am not allowed to deviate from the program, and I will stay with the students of my assigned activity group.
  2. I understand all participating parents and students must have signed liability waivers before arriving on site.
  3. I understand alcohol and drugs are not allowed on site. This is a school function and all school rules will be followed.
  4. Cell phone use should be kept to a minimum.
  5. If I smoke, I will do so outside the fort compound and safely dispose of my cigarette debris.
  6. I understand the number of parents on site may not exceed 14.
  7. I understand all park rules must be followed.
  8. No inappropriate language allowed.
  9. I understand that only one ELP Instructor is assigned with the group for the day, and leaves at night, returning the following morning.
  10. I understand the general public is in the fort during many days, from approximately 10-4:30.
  11. I understand if a problem or concern arises with the students, I will bring this concern to the attention of the lead teacher. I will not expect Fort Ross Conservancy Staff to take care of these problems or concerns, if they arise.
  12. Please be advised that this is NOT a camping trip. There is no camping outside the fort nor are motorhomes allowed to stay overnight in the parking lot.
  13. I understand that I must have read and be familiar with Fort Ross Conservancy’s Emergency Protocol.

Child’s Name _________________________________________

Parent Signature____________________________Print______________________
