Grey Whales, Stellers, and Mergansers, Oh My!
Can you guess what made these holes?
During our last Beach Watch survey of Fort Ross State Historic Park, Charon Vilnai and I (Song Hunter) were lucky to see a few less common/seasonal species (to FRSHP) and a few very common species up close and personal!
All photos were taken February 9, 2018 by Song Hunter
After lots of comparison, we decided this was a Grey Whale {Eschrichtius robustus}
Grey Whale Spouting
Steller and California Sea Lions seen from Mile Marker 34
Steller Sea Lion {Eumetopias jubatus}
Steller Sea Lion {Eumetopias jubatus} and California Sea Lions {Zalophus californianus}
Steller Sea Lion {Eumetopias jubatus} and California Sea Lions {Zalophus californianus}
Abalone Sculpture
Red-tailed Hawks {Buteo jamaicensis}
Red-breasted Merganser {Mergus serrator} Rarely Seen Species at Fort Ross
How Many Harbor Seals do You See?
Harbor Porpoise {Phocoena phocoena} First Time I’ve Ever Seen this Species!