Partner Programs

Partner Programs

Combine the Marine Ecology Program with a camp program run by Fieldguides, The Marine Mammal Center's Ocean Ambassadors Program or LiMPETS! See below for more details on each program

Overnight Camping with Fieldguides

Fort Ross is thrilled to be joining Fieldguides Outdoor Education in a new partnership to provide our Marine Ecology Program combined with family-style camping! 

Fieldguides offer fun, educational wilderness emersion experiences for schools and youth groups. They are equipped with the gear your group needs for overnight camping and have knowledeagble guides to lead small, intimate groups to enhance student experience. 

MEP activities can be included as a component of the program. Activities include:

  • Tidepooling: Explore the incredible diversity of marine life inving in between the high and low tide mark
  • Kelp forests: What happened to kelp?
  • Harbor Seals: how many harbor seals call Fort Ross home?
  • Hike to see and survey the resident sea lions (20 min walk to the lookout)
  • The fur trade: the legacy of hunting in the 1800s on coastal ecosystems today.

BOOK NOW FOR Spring 2025!

Fieldguides at Fort Ross Brochure

For more information and to book, visit https://www.fieldguides.org/fort-ross.html 



Ocean Ambassadors, The Marine Mammal Center

Ocean Ambassadors is an award-winning marine science program that provides middle schoolers with the opportunity to learn about marine mammals in an immersive, interactive learning experience. 

This program includes curriculum connected to Next Generation Science Standard and funded field trips to The Marine Mammal Center hospital in Sausilito and to a field site such as Fort Ross to see marine mammals in the wild!

Every year we receieve a number of schools through this incredible program and can't recommend it enough! At Fort Ross, we see grey whales, humback whales, california sea lions, steller sea lions, harbor seals, and on very special occaisions, orcas, northern fur seals and elephant seals. This is a fantastic way for students to learn about marine life, see how marine mammals are impacted by human activities, and to learn how to help them. 

Photo: Nursing Steller Sea Lions at Fort Ross, Susan Zerwick 



LiMPETS stands for Long-term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students. It is an incredible community science field program to increase awareness and stewardship of coastal ecosystems.

This program has two curricula on Rocky Intertidal Monitoring and Sandy Beach Monitoring that is geared towards middle and high schoolers. Each curricula includes teacher training, an in-class lesson and a field trip followed by data entry. At Fort Ross we are currently offering the Sandy Meach Monitoring curriculum and are being trained in the rocky intertidal monitoring program to start running programs in Spring 2025. 

See activities for additional information on Sandy Beach Monitoring wheres students survey and measure mole crabs!