Russian Settlers

Russian Settlers

The Fort Ross Environmental Living Program offers a unique opportunity for students, teachers, and parents to experience life as it was for the Russian settlers who lived at Fort Ross on the ancient Metini site of the Kashia Pomo. In order to better prepare participants for their visit to Fort Ross, we have provided a number of videos that highlight some of the most noted traits of the Russian settlers who lived there.

From their ingenuity and resourcefulness to their culinary skills and love of dance, the Russian settlers left a notable mark on the history of California. We hope that these videos will inspire participants to explore this fascinating history in greater detail during their visit to Metini/Fort Ross.

Borsch - Art of Soup 

Another notable trait of the Russian settlers was their culinary skills. Borsch, a hearty soup made with beets, cabbage, and other vegetables, was a staple of the Russian diet and is still enjoyed today. This video highlights the art of making borsch and provides viewers with an appreciation for the skills required to make this delicious soup.

Folk Dancing 

The Russian settlers also had a rich tradition of folk dancing. These dances were not only a form of entertainment, but they also helped to preserve Russian culture and traditions. The video showcases some of the most popular folk dances of the time and provides insights into the importance of dance in Russian culture.

First Windmill of California 

One of the most notable traits of the Russian settlers was their ingenuity and resourcefulness. This is perhaps best exemplified by the construction of the first windmill in California, which was built at Fort Ross in 1814. This windmill allowed the settlers to grind their own flour, which was an essential component of their diet. The video showcases the windmill and provides insights into how it worked.

Samovar - the Singing Kettle 

The samovar was an important symbol of Russian hospitality and tradition. This ornate kettle was used to heat water for tea and was often the centerpiece of social gatherings. The video showcases the samovar and provides insights into its history and significance.