Spring Has Sprung!
Fields of Sour Grass {Oxalis pes-caprae}
Well, it seems to be Spring all of a sudden here at Fort Ross, never mind it's just the beginning of February! Regardless, it's been simply stunning here all week. Balmy, near 70 degrees without our typical Spring winds. The ocean is still and calm, without a whitecap in sight. The Harbor Seals are hauled out in Fort Ross Cove, warming up in the sun and all the bugs and birds are out in full force. In a word, it's perfect.
Photos by Song Hunter
The Call Picnic Area
Song Sparrow {Melospiza melodia}
Monterey Cypress {Cupressus macrocarpa}
Ranch Era Plum Blossoms
Delicate Threads
Harbor Seals {Phoca vitulina}